40day180 is distributed daily through text message. To receive your daily devotionals 24 hours after sign-up, text “40day180” to (833) 344-0213. If you would like to receive your daily devotionals 10 hours after sign-up, text “IGNITED” to (833) 344-0213. For example, if it is 8 PM and you text “40day180” to (833) 344-0213, you will receive your daily devotionals via text message at 8 PM for the next 40 days. However, if you text “IGNITED” to (833) 344-0213 at 8 PM, you will receive your daily devotionals via text message at 6 AM for the next 40 days.
You can also sign up using the 2 forms below. To receive your daily devotionals 24 hours from now, use the first form. To receive your daily devotionals 10 hours from now, use the second form.
24 Hour Form
Receive devotional at this time for the next 40 days.
10 Hour Form
Receive devotional 10 hours from now for the next 40 days.