Day 38
Welcome to Day 38 of the 40day180!
What is key to staying on the path of life in order for God to be able to direct your life based on Psalms 25:9 and James 4:6? Identify and list some areas where you need to humble yourself before God and choose to do so today.
When we choose to humble ourselves before God and His Word, we are essentially getting in the back seat and allowing God to get in the driver seat of our lives. Humility is how we learn the ways of God (Psalms 25:9). God will also surround us with grace – POWER (James 4:6) and lift us up (James 4:10). We will miss the plan of God and get off of the path of life if we choose to walk in pride (Proverbs 11:2, Proverbs 16:18, and Matthew 23:12). We encourage you to humble yourself before God and get in His Word. Seek Him first every day in your life (Matthew 6:33) and be careful to do everything that is revealed to you (Joshua 1:8) and you will be successful in ALL that you do. God isn’t simply trying to control us, He wants to protect us (Psalms 121:7-8) and provide for our every need. The only way He can do this is by us humbling ourselves before Him and allowing Him to mold our lives into the plan He has for us (Isaiah 64:8).
Proverbs 2:1-22
1 My son, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you, 2 turning your ear to wisdom and applying your heart to understanding— 3 indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, 4 and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, 5 then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. 6 For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. 7 He holds success in store for the upright, he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless, 8 for he guards the course of the just and protects the way of his faithful ones. 9 Then you will understand what is right and just and fair—every good path. 10 For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. 11 Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. 12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, 13 who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways, 14 who delight in doing wrong and rejoice in the perverseness of evil, 15 whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways. 16 Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman, from the wayward woman with her seductive words, 17 who has left the partner of her youth and ignored the covenant she made before God. 18 Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead.19 None who go to her return or attain the paths of life. 20 Thus you will walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous. 21 For the upright will live in the land, and the blameless will remain in it; 22 but the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the unfaithful will be torn from it.
Romans 12:1-2 – 1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
(Week 1) I choose to seek God first everyday by getting into His Word.
(Week 2) I choose to seek God first everyday by getting into His Word. I choose to walk in the plan God has for me by choosing to live the Word of God in every area of my life.
(Week 3) I choose to seek God first everyday by getting into His Word. I choose to walk in the plan God has for me by choosing to live the Word of God in every area of my life. I thank You Father that as I choose to obey Your Word, You are protecting me, directing my footsteps according to Your Word, and filling me with Your Holy Spirit.
(Week 4) As I continue to renew my mind with the Word of God, I choose to speak life and not death in every situation.
(Week 5) I take authority over all of the power of the enemy in my life and thank you Father that I am set free from all sin.
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